Discipline Notice - Mark A. Patlan

License Number: 24003
Member Name: Mark A. Patlan
Discipline Detail
Action: Reprimand
Effective Date: 12/6/2002
RPC: 1.15 - (prior to 9/1/2006) Declining or Terminating Representation
1.3 - Diligence
1.4 - Communication
8.4 (l) - Violate ELCs
Discipline Notice:
Description: Mark A. Patlan (WSBA No. 24003, admitted 1994), of Florida, received a reprimand on December 6, 2002, following a stipulation. This discipline is based on his lack of diligence and communication in two client matters in 2000.
Matter 1: In July 1999, Mr. Patlan agreed to represent a client in an employment discrimination case. Mr. Patlan filed a complaint against five corporations and two individuals. In January 2000, four defendants filed a summary judgment motion to dismiss. Mr. Patlan filed a response, but did not include any evidence to rebut the defendant’s declarations. In March, the court dismissed the client’s claims against the four defendants. Mr. Patlan did no work on the case after this point. In July, after trying to contact Mr. Patlan for months, the client learned he had left the country. In August, the client terminated Mr. Patlan’s representation. He responded by e mail that he was in Mexico and forwarded her file to another lawyer. Mr. Patlan told the new lawyer and the client that he would refund her retainer, but he did not. In December 2000, Mr. Patlan received interrogatory requests from the remaining defendants. He forwarded them to the client after the response deadline had passed.
Matter 2: In 2000, Mr. Patlan agreed to represent a client in an action to dissolve a meretricious relationship. In September, the client agreed that certain debts could be paid from a joint account. In October, Mr. Patlan signed an order agreeing to use the joint account to pay the opposing party’s personal credit card debt. When the client confronted Mr. Patlan, he told her he would get back to her. The client did not hear anything further from Mr. Patlan. Mr. Patlan told the client he would contact her landlord, provide certain documents and subpoena other documents, but he did not complete any of these tasks. In February 2001, Mr. Patlan filed his client’s witness list, naming her as the only witness, and withdrew from the case. Mr. Patlan did not cooperate with the investigation of this matter.
Mr. Patlan’s conduct violated RPCs 1.3, requiring lawyers to diligently represent their clients; 1.4, requiring lawyers to keep their clients reasonably informed of the status of their matters; 1.15, requiring lawyers to take reasonable steps to protect clients’ interests upon termination of representation; and RLD 2.8, requiring lawyers to promptly cooperate with the disciplinary process.
Sachia Stonefeld Powell represented the Bar Association. Mr. Patlan represented himself.

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