Discipline Notice - Brenda J. Means

License Number: 26180
Member Name: Brenda J. Means
Discipline Detail
Action: Disbarment
Effective Date: 5/13/2003
RPC: 8.4 (b) - Criminal Act
Discipline Notice:
Description: Brenda J. Means (WSBA No. 26180, admitted 1996), of Mill Creek was disbarred, effective May 13, 2003, by order of the Supreme Court following a hearing. This discipline was based on her criminal acts in 1998.
In 1995, Ms. Means moved to Washington State. A friend, Ms. K helped Ms. Means by co-signing on a loan for moving expenses. Ms. Means received all the proceeds of the loan and was expected to make the payments. Ms. K’s husband paid the loan amount to protect her credit. Ms. Means reimbursed the K’s in 2000.
In February 1998, Ms. Means applied for a credit card using Ms. K’s name, and social security number, but Ms. Means address and phone number. Ms. Means signed Ms. K’s name on the application and requested an additional card for herself. Capital One opened the new account on March 7, 1998. Between March and June 1998, Ms. Means charged approximately $296.00 on the credit card and made a $100 payment. Ms. K learned of the credit card issued to her in June 1998, when a representative asked her why she had not been making payments. In November 1998, Ms. K reported the charges on the card as fraudulent. Capital One determined that Ms. Means opened the account and started sending the billing statements in her name. Ms. Means did not respond to these statements.
In March 1998, Ms. Means applied for credit through Associates Investment for a new transmission for her car. She used Ms. K’s name, social security number, birth date and other personal information. Ms. Means used her own mailing address. In March 1998, Associates Investment opened the new account. Also in March, Ms. Means submitted a letter to the transmission company, purportedly signed by Ms. K., stating that she was Ms. K’s sister and had authorization to use the credit card. The transmission company completed the work on Ms. Means’ car and she signed Ms. K’s name to the charge slip for $1,582.75. Ms. Means did not make any payments. Ms. K learned of this billing in 1998 when she checked her credit report.
Ms. Means conduct violated RPC 8.4(b), prohibiting committing criminal acts that reflect adversely on a lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; 8.4(c), prohibiting conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; and RLD 1.1(a), prohibiting the commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or corruption, or that reflects disregard for the rule of law..
Marsha Matsumoto represented the Bar Association. Julie Gaisford represented Ms. Means at hearing. Vernon Harkins was the Hearing Officer.

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