Discipline Notice - Edgar J. Steele

License Number: 23030
Member Name: Edgar J. Steele
Discipline Detail
Action: Disbarment
Effective Date: 6/29/2012
RPC: 8.4 (a) - Violate the RPCs
8.4 (b) - Criminal Act
8.4 (c) - Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation
8.4 (d) - Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice
Discipline Notice:
Description: Edgar J. Steele (WSBA No. 23030, admitted 1993), of Sagle, ID, was disbarred, effective June 29, 2012, by order of the Washington State Supreme Court following a default hearing. This discipline was based on conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; commission of a criminal act and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice.
In December 2009, Mr. Steele solicited Mr. X to murder his wife and mother-in-law (“MIL”) by attaching an explosive device to Wife’s car. On May 27, 2010, Mr. X attached a pipe bomb to Wife’s car to perpetrate the murders. Mr. Steele intentionally caused his wife to travel from Idaho to Oregon, where MIL lived. Mr. Steele knew there was an explosive device on Wife’s car and was motivated, at least in part, by the fact Mr. Steele would obtain insurance benefits upon his wife’s death. The explosive device did not detonate.
In June 2010, Mr. X reported Mr. Steele’s activities to law enforcement. At the request of law enforcement, Mr. X wore a recording device and arranged to meet with Mr. Steele again. In recorded conversations on June 9 and 10, 2010, Mr. Steele and Mr. X further discussed the terms under which Mr. Steele would pay Mr. X to murder his wife and MIL. They discussed that Mr. X would make the incident look like an accident. On June 11, 2010, Mr. Steele was arrested and charged with Use of Interstate Communication Facilities in the Commission of Murder for Hire (18 U.S.C §1958). On June 13, 2010, Mr. Steele called his wife from custody and attempted to influence his wife’s testimony. On June 16, 2010, Wife had her car serviced in Oregon; during that service mechanics discovered the explosive device wired to the underside of the car. On July 20, 2010, Mr. Steele was charged with Use of Interstate Communication Facilities in the Commission of Murder for Hire (18 U.S.C §1958), Use of Explosive Material to Commit a Federal Felony (18 U.S.C §844(h)), Possession of Destructive Device in Relation to a Crime of Violence (18 U.S.C. §924 (c)(1)(B)(ii)) and Witness Tampering (18 U.S.C. §1512(b)(3)). On May 5, 2011, following a jury trial, Mr. Steele was convicted on all four counts.
Mr. Steele’s conduct violated RPC 8.4(a), prohibiting a lawyer from violating or attempting to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct; RPC 8.4(b), prohibiting a lawyer from committing a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness; RPC 8.4(c), prohibiting a lawyer from engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; and RPC 8.4(d), prohibiting a lawyer from engaging in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice.
Sachia Stonefeld Powell represented the Bar Association. Mr. Steele did not appear, either in person or through counsel. Jane Bremner Risley was the Hearing Officer.

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This discipline search accesses notices of disciplinary action since 1984, and for cases decided in 2013 or later, also generally includes the official decision documents. The search does not contain pre-1984 notices or records, and may not contain the official decision documents in cases decided before 2013. To obtain other records of discipline, including pre-1984 discipline documents, please make a public records request.

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