Discipline Notice - Jingzhou Kang

License Number: 26670
Member Name: Jingzhou Kang
Discipline Detail
Action: Reprimand
Effective Date: 11/12/2010
RPC: 1.3 - Diligence
8.4 (l) - Violate ELCs
Discipline Notice:
Description: Jingzhou Kang (WSBA No. 26670, admitted 1997), of Bellevue, was reprimanded following approval of a stipulation by the Disciplinary Board on November 12, 2010. This discipline is based on conduct involving failure to act diligently in representing a client and violations of duties imposed under the Rules for Enforcement of Lawyer Conduct.

In or around September 2002, Mr. Kang was hired to represent a client in his asylum petition. Mr. Kang prepared an I-130 Petition for the benefit of his client. Mr. Kang thought he had mailed the I-130 Petition to the INS office on October 15, 2002, but he never received a receipt notice. Over the next year, Mr. Kang failed to follow up to determine whether INS received the I-130 Petition. This client and another immigration client became dissatisfied with Mr. Kang’s representation and filed grievances with the Bar Association in 2005. Mr. Kang failed to provide a response to each grievance despite the Bar Association’s repeated requests for responses and notification of his duty to do so under ELC 5.3(e). In each grievance, the Bar Association issued a subpoena duces tecum for Mr. Kang’s deposition. At his non-cooperation deposition in October 2005, Mr. Kang provided responses to both grievances. Mr. Kang’s noncooperation significantly delayed the Bar Association’s investigation.

Mr. Kang’s conduct violated RPC 1.3, requiring a lawyer to act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client; and RPC 8.4(l), prohibiting a lawyer from violating a duty or sanction imposed by or under the Rules for Enforcement of Lawyer Conduct in connection with a disciplinary matter.

Erica W. Temple represented the Bar Association. Mr. Kang represented himself.

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